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Think fast

Thoughts and ideas on how to build tools, automate workflows and speed-up the workplace.

Webhook vs API | In-Depth Guide

APIs and webhooks are both central to the way modern web apps, automation solutions, and integrated software stacks are built. However, there are several important distinctions in their use cases, configuration, architecture, target personas, and limitations. Today, we’re diving deep into webhooks vs APIs. We’re going to cover everything you need to know about how each one work, what kinds of projects they’re suitable for, technical barriers, practical considerations, costs/benefits, and more.

Ronan McQuillan

Apr 6, 2023

What is Cloud Transformation

Cloud transformation is all about moving processes, workflows, and internal data to the cloud. In case you’ve been living under a rock, this is a pretty hot topic for organizations of all shapes and sizes. See, the way we do things has changed massively over the past decade. As we’ll see, the rise of remote working, ever-growing security threats, and the need for fast, effective user experiences have all accelerated the race to the cloud.

Ronan McQuillan

Mar 13, 2023

9 Must-Have Digital Transformation Platforms

Choosing the right digital transformation platforms is a central question in your internal ops. Realistically, there is no digital transformation without the right tools. The trouble is that the market today is so saturated with options. We all know by now that digitalization is a key priority for organizations of all sizes. What’s more challenging is figuring out the exact tech we need to achieve this in our own unique situation.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 24, 2023

When to Build vs Buy Software: 2025 Guide

Deciding whether to build vs buy software solutions is one of the central challenges for IT procurement teams. Each time we encounter a need for a new tool, capability, or other software asset, we’re faced with this decision. The trouble is, there are a lot of moving parts at play here. You see, on one level, this simply comes down to maximizing return on investment. However, so many different factors influence cost-effectiveness that it can be hard to know where to start.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 13, 2023

What is IT Transformation? + 8 Examples

It would be easy to write IT transformation as just another buzz phrase - but it’d be a big mistake too. You see, the IT department is the core of your operations, right across the rest of your organization. We talk a lot these days about digital transformation, but you won’t get far without the right tools, people, expertise, capabilities, and capacity. IT transformation helps you to achieve exactly that.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 9, 2023

What is In-House Software Development?

In-house software development is a huge part of every industry. They say that, nowadays, every company is a software company. Today we’re taking a deep dive into everything you need to know about building software in-house. And there are a lot of misconceptions to deal with too. You could be forgiven for thinking that internal development teams are a luxury reserved for massive enterprises. While building an effective team is certainly a big investment, this needn’t stop smaller companies from reaping the benefits of in-house dev.

Ronan McQuillan

Nov 10, 2022

Enterprise Software Development | Ultimate Guide

Enterprise software development is uniquely challenging. After all, balancing complex security, systems design, and process mapping with the need to provide efficient, intuitive user experiences is quite an ask. As such, building enterprise software solutions is really a specialism in itself. Whether this means relying on your in-house team or engaging with external contractors and development houses, enterprises are often faced with difficult, complex software lifecycles and expensive, lengthy, builds.

Ronan McQuillan

Oct 23, 2022

In-House vs Outsourcing Software Development | Quick Guide

Weighing up whether to opt for in-house vs outsourcing software development can be a tough decision. The trouble is that the factors at play here cut across a whole range of issues, including technical, operational, and financial concerns. Our decision is also inevitably going to be influenced by more project-specific variables, like the kind of solution we’re building and the resources we can dedicate to it. At the same time, it’s vitally important that we make the right call here/

Ronan McQuillan

Oct 15, 2022

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